Remove mail from postfix queue based on from email or rcpto email address
Here is a simple perl script to delete messages from postfix queue based on email
#!/usr/bin/perl -w # # pfdel - deletes message containing specified address from # Postfix queue. Matches either sender or recipient address. # # Usage: pfdel <email_address> # use strict; # Change these paths if necessary. my $LISTQ = "/usr/sbin/postqueue -p"; my $POSTSUPER = "/usr/sbin/postsuper"; my $email_addr = ""; my $qid = ""; my $euid = $>; if ( @ARGV != 1 ) { die "Usage: pfdel <email_address>\n"; } else { $email_addr = $ARGV[0]; } if ( $euid != 0 ) { die "You must be root to delete queue files.\n"; } open(QUEUE, "$LISTQ |") || die "Can't get pipe to $LISTQ: $!\n"; my $entry = <QUEUE>; # skip single header line $/ = ""; # Rest of queue entries print on # multiple lines. while ( $entry = <QUEUE> ) { if ( $entry =~ / $email_addr$/m ) { ($qid) = split(/\s+/, $entry, 2); $qid =~ s/[\*\!]//; next unless ($qid); # # Execute postsuper -d with the queue id. # postsuper provides feedback when it deletes # messages. Let its output go through. # if ( system($POSTSUPER, "-d", $qid) != 0 ) { # If postsuper has a problem, bail. die "Error executing $POSTSUPER: error " . "code " . ($?/256) . "\n"; } } } close(QUEUE); if (! $qid ) { die "No messages with the address <$email_addr> " . "found in queue.\n"; } exit 0;
tyamadath (12-12-2007 19:56) :
thks man!tsikamtanda (07-03-2008 09:55) :
Good job, broAhamed Bauani (14-03-2008 12:28) :
Thanks for this Smple, Speedy and Small Script, which is saving my time of administrating my SMTP & MX server which transfer about 10,000 emails per day.
Thanks Again (02-05-2008 12:17) :
Thanks a lotUli (02-05-2008 18:52) :
Thank you so much!
This is great!chrisv (18-05-2008 22:19) :
worked like a charm - thanks!Jay Canfield (19-05-2008 22:57) :
Thanks for this. We had an app go screwy and send about 300k emails to our relay. Fixed it right up.Fredy Coutinho (23-07-2008 18:35) :
Thanks a lot! this work fine!!!JM (10-10-2008 23:05) :
Slick, but can this support any sort of wildcards? Or only explicit, exact match?
Frex., we have dozens of mail messages continually being tried to noreply@* sorts of addresses, but I don't know how to blanket them all with a wildcard, or if I could.
RT (24-11-2008 07:32) :
Perfect simple script.
Thanks :)SG (17-12-2008 13:45) :
Thanks, nice scriptJulio del Aguila (01-01-2009 06:17) :
Thanks man, It's so useful.luisxvi (02-01-2009 16:42) :
It makes me feel like terminator! Nice script. Thanks.izzol (17-02-2009 17:51) :
It Worked :) Tkanks!.Murray (04-03-2009 07:13) :
Wonderful work. Just what I needed.Madison Kelly (25-03-2009 20:59) :
Thanks for the script. Helped me clear a bunch of queued messages I screwed up by putting the wrong TLD in a script's from field. :PDavid (28-04-2009 13:50) :
Thanks a lot ... your great script saved me a lot of time !!!Marco_mimo05 (14-05-2009 12:35) :
Grazie mille sei un figo !! il tuo script mi è stato utilissimo
Thanks man you r an ace !! your script is really usefull.
Arthur (10-07-2009 17:15) :
Thank you very much for the script! It works great! I've put it on cron on my server. It helps me to remove junk mails ;)
norman (08-09-2009 10:41) :
thanks man .. !Indhran (16-09-2009 04:20) :
Thank you very much.great job.Al (05-11-2009 13:58) :
This saved me from a flood of Italian spam, thanks!Satish (12-11-2009 10:45) :
I just loved the script, Thanks for the geek who wrote the script, it saved my day.Sniffer Networks do brasil (01-12-2009 16:42) :
Works like charm.
thankssys4dm1n (17-12-2009 23:32) :
Good stuff! Thank you!LaffyTaffy (14-01-2010 01:35) :
Great Script. Well done.James Su (26-01-2010 13:27) :
Thanks!, it works fine!Moritz (05-03-2010 19:52) :
Dude! Thanks!!! My system got hosed by that brazilian zencart exploit, its nice to clean out the junk in the queue this way, works much better...David (29-04-2010 23:03) :
Was able to clean up over 100k spam emails from and to taiwan that we received over the past 8 hours.
Thanks!brayan (10-06-2010 20:53) :
So NICE!! congratz mankoda (28-06-2010 12:32) :
Good job! :DThibs (04-08-2010 10:23) :
Excellebt ! Thanks youHenry (24-09-2010 10:20) :
works Perfect as intended to do.
Drib YlraeKevin (25-11-2010 11:09) :
60,000 spam emails gone in a flash! Excellent work, thank you for sharing!!Chuck (12-05-2011 08:37) :
Had a password cracked and they were using the account for spam. This made quick work of cleaning up the remaining garbage. Thanks!Kristaps (25-05-2011 15:43) :
Thank you!Sunshine (26-05-2011 15:05) :
Anyway to apply two ARGV instead of just 1 to the perl script ...
I am thinking variables where I could just hardcode in recipent and specific subject
Subject: I am out of officeeri (30-06-2011 13:54) :
I am very grateful you wrote this. God Bless You.Gorav (19-09-2011 08:27) :
This was helpfulClau (02-10-2011 22:44) :
Thanks for this script! It saved my day!Raposo (17-10-2011 11:40) :
Thks!Roshan (01-11-2011 10:00) :
im new to this. please explain where do i have to add this code. can i automatically Flush the Mail Queuejackjohn (14-01-2012 09:32) :
roshan take alook at
I did these steps :
1. vi
2. copy all the script.
3. execute script with this command
thank you for the script !!
Ethon (22-02-2012 05:46) :
Perfect! Saved my bacon on a hacked email account.Linard (13-04-2012 14:24) :
Thanks!!Robiul (19-09-2012 09:29) :
How to use itFawad (19-12-2012 11:14) :
Worked like a charm!!!
Thanks manhappy guy (13-03-2013 11:01) :
work like a charm
thank you!!!calete (16-09-2013 21:22) :
One more thanks
This page was last modified on 2025-03-28 16:01:36